This is a list of most, but far not all script features. To see more features, check out control panel demo.
- Script uses only one set of files to run thousands of forums, and every forum has its own tables in database not shared with other forums.
- Modular control panel where you can administrate all forums. Because control panel is modular, you can add/remove features yourself by adding or removing modules.
- You can search, edit, delete, suspend any forum hosted on your server. Search function allows you to search hosted forum by multiple parameters.
- Subdomains for forums. All hosted forums will have their own subdomains, like user1.domain.com, user2.domain.com, etc...
- Multiple domain names, custom domain names. You can setup as many domain names as you want, so users could select which one to use. For example, a user can use myforum.domain1.com or myforum.domain2.com if you setup domain1.com and domain2.com. You can also assign custom domains to any forums, so owner of that forum could use his own domain name.
- If more than one domain is available, forum owners can choose which domain to use during registration and can change it any time later from control panel.
- Multiple databases. Administrator can select which database new forums will be using, can setup them in rotation so new registrations circle thru list of databases.
- You can move forums from one database to another for load balancing between database servers.
- You can run sql queries on single forums, whole databases, several selected forums.
- You can backup forums and restore backups. When restoring backups, script only runs sql queries that affect tables of that forum, so if one of your users wants to restore his own backup, script won't allow any malicious sql queries to be executed. There is an option to automatically update forum database to latest phpBB version after restoring a backup.
- Script doesn't add much overhead to forums, there are no extra sql queries on hosted forums.
- Everything that can be cached is being cached to prevent parsing same data every session.
- Word filter for hosted forums. You can disallow certain words to be posted on all hosted forums with ability to ban user on attempt to post text that contains certain filtered word.
- Hosted forum do not have access to settings that might cause problems, such as SMTP settings, acp/ucp/mcp modules, database backup/restore, templates editor and many other settings.
- You can login as administrator on any forum hosted on your website to monitor or to manage it.
- You can set permissions for forum styles, so only selected forums could use a certain style, which can be used to upload custom styles for hosted forums without other hosted forums having access to it.
- Captcha for all forms. Captcha is easy to customize.
- Automatic temporary or permanent bans when visitor tries to do something he's not supposed to, like using banned keywords on registration form or repeatedly trying to login using invalid password.
- Several additional anti spam features.
Other features
- Attachments are disabled by default, but you can enable it for any forum without affecting other forums.
- Registration form is easily to customise, it includes visual confirmation, forum names are filtered with ability to instantly ban visitor on attempt to use censored word, you can ban IPs and email providers (all popular disposable email providers have already been added to default ban list and you can add/remove them any time), there are several settings to block spam and flood attempts. You can set registrations to check user's email address by sending him validation email, also you can set all registrations to be validated by you. Inactive registrations are automatically deleted after certain time (customisable). You can also create forums and test registration form from control panel.
- Mass email. You can send emails to admins of all hosted forums, or selected forums from search results.
- You can change configuration for all hosted forums from phpBBHS control panel.
- You can manage acp/ucp/mcp phpBB modules for all hosted forums from phpBBHS control panel.
- Forum administrators can upload or link remotely hosted custom logos, icons, edit imageset and css for styles. There are security checks to prevent them from adding malicious code.
- Unlike in some other scripts, forum styles do not require any modifications in order to work with phpBBHS. This means you can easily offer many styles to your customers without having to edit each of them.
- Easy website content administration (small CMS with powerful template system). Website is SEO friendly, includes directory of hosted forums and news you can add/remove in phpBBHS control panel. Website is easy to translate to your language because all text constants are in one language file and website template files.
- phpBB forum hosting script can run from a subdirectory, such as http://your_host/v3/, so you can use it on existing hosting website, such as phpBB 2 hosting website.
- ...and many more features. You can add more features yourself by writing a module for control panel, or downloading a module shared by some other coder.
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