Excuse the English is so bad.
I want to install the gallery in addition, have done well so far.
only create problems in the file
The folders are all created:
Code: Select all
// create directories for a forum
function hs_forum_dirs($name = false, $extended = false)
$dirs = array(
HS_ROOT . '../cache/{FORUM}', // for cache
HS_ROOT . '../uploads/{FORUM}',
HS_ROOT . '../uploads/{FORUM}/avatars', // avatars
HS_ROOT . '../uploads/{FORUM}/images', // imageset stuff
HS_ROOT . '../uploads/{FORUM}/smilies', // smilies
HS_ROOT . '../files/{FORUM}', // uploads
HS_ROOT . '../gallery/{FORUM}', // gallery
if($name === false)
return $dirs;
$mask = @umask(0);
for($i=0; $i<count($dirs); $i++)
$dirs[$i] = str_replace('{FORUM}', $extended ? hs_forum_cache_dir($name) : $name, $dirs[$i]);
hs_forum_mkdir($dirs[$i], defined('HS_CACHE_CHMOD_DIRS') ? HS_CACHE_CHMOD_DIRS : 0777);
return $dirs;