Some inquires

Pre-sales questions for phpBB 3 forum hosting script.
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Joined: 29 Aug 2012, 16:43

Some inquires

Post by Medow »


I love your scripts and i have some question.

1) Which version of phbb you are using on your script right now?
2) Can i disable English language on forum and use other language?
3) How can we add module to the script? And can we use it globally?
4) Do you have support for any facebook connect module?
5) Is there any way to put on the main script page the much famous forum on the network?
6) can we add theme easily?
7) how much theme comes with package?
8) Is there any guide for adding new module?

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Re: Some inquires

Post by PHPBBHS »

1. Right now it is 3.0.10 will be 3.0.11 in the next week
2. Yes, we have users who user other languages. And the main client side of phpbbhs is easy to translate.

3. If you need like a forum mod you will have to edit the phpbb files normally. And then if does database work run queries on all your hosted forums and add the new entries to the .sql files for phpbbhs when a new forum is made.

4. No included but should be somewhat easy to use a phpbb mod.

5. You have control over the pages and you can either use your own custom html or php code.

6. yes

7. just the default theme.

8. We have a couple different guides for different aspects of phpBBHS.
Posts: 20
Joined: 29 Aug 2012, 16:43

Re: Some inquires

Post by Medow »


I think i will give it a shoot when the new version release.

But tow more questions :D :

1) If my site goes big and i need to make a load balance using more servers, is this possible?

2) Does it easy to add support for nginx web server?

Thank you for your time.
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Re: Some inquires

Post by PHPBBHS »

1. We have built in support multiple databases with rotation settings premade. This system is made to handle a large amount of forums as long as you have the right hardware.

2. Should work fine as long as phpBB supports it.
Posts: 20
Joined: 29 Aug 2012, 16:43

Re: Some inquires

Post by Medow »


I will purchase once the new version come out.
Posts: 1150
Joined: 30 Jun 2009, 20:15
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Re: Some inquires

Post by PHPBBHS »

Script updated for phpBB 3.0.11
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