no dedicated IP address, BUT OK

Pre-sales questions for phpBB 3 forum hosting script.
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no dedicated IP address, BUT OK

Post by f4biosousa »


I have no dedicated IP address in my server, but I'm testing the concurrent echoPHP and after setting "*" wildcard in my DNS Panel and also, enabling "php_value output_buffering on" in my HTACCESS home file, now all redirections it's working fine now.

The question is: will your script work just with this two settings in my case?
* wildcard in my DNS host panel
* HTACCESS "php_value output_buffering on"

I'm actually considering buy this here, but my IP test fail because I use a shared server and I don't want to use DynDNS in this case.

Edited 08 Aug 15:57: Please, I need your feedback as soon as possible, because I have the another option working, but I'm considering to buy PHPBBHS.
I just need to know If the needs of dedicated IP is because of license purposes or as I already have "" working, if it's OK then. Waiting... thanks.
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Re: no dedicated IP address, BUT OK

Post by PHPBBHS »

The script does require a dedicated IP for widlcard dns. The check will fail if you try to install it on shared hosting.

We recommend getting a VPS instead of using shared setting.
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Re: no dedicated IP address, BUT OK

Post by f4biosousa »

But do you see that I expect your comments about this?
I know about the dedicated IP requirement, but I have already settings working fine for wildcard in the DNS panel of my provider, there's a fixed IP there. And in addition, with the "php_value output_buffering on" enabled in my HTACCESS file, "" it's working fine there, although I use shared resources.
PHPBBHS wrote:The script does require a dedicated IP for widlcard dns. The check will fail if you try to install it on shared hosting.

We recommend getting a VPS instead of using shared setting.
The question is: will the check really fail in this scenario?
I mean, if I already have working now, doesn't it matter?
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Re: no dedicated IP address, BUT OK

Post by f4biosousa »

Seems like you've bought a great script business and right now I'm just waiting proper feedback before I get my license, but this slow way we're starting doesn't give me good impression. As a future customer, specially making pre-sale question, I was expecting quick and comprehensive answers. I'll appreciate your attention, eventually.
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Re: no dedicated IP address, BUT OK

Post by PHPBBHS »

I would advise getting a vps or a dedicated server. This script is not meant for a shared server and will NOT work out well at all.
Multiple issues can occur ranging from ip issues, php safe mode. If you do not have control over the server you WILL run into issues. Support is member to member we do not offer any guarantee levels of support.
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Re: no dedicated IP address, BUT OK

Post by f4biosousa »

I have one VPS, but I was focusing another questions, never mind, thanks.
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Re: no dedicated IP address, BUT OK

Post by jonnblaz »

As a future customer, specially making pre-sale question, I was expecting quick and comprehensive answers. I'll appreciate your attention, eventually.
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Re: no dedicated IP address, BUT OK

Post by donald22 »

The owner is correct, although it is technically possible to make the script work on shared hosting, it is not desireable, your host will boot you off once you start hogging the resources. With vps you get your own ip plus your own ram and usually more bandwidth, you also get root access to the server which is crucial. Vps are nearly cheap as shared these days, check out lowend box.
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