Info from the script

Pre-sales questions for phpBB 3 forum hosting script.
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Info from the script

Post by Anthony »

hello admin

I have a question.

The script the man can buy from you is also in German or only in English.

and my question is if I buy it where can I download it then.I read that it cost 75 doller
My question is now whether there is a language in German for the script.
How long will it take to download it?Now I would like to ask, can you also upload to a server?

hier the Link from the server.
because I want to buy that and ask if it works on the server too.
on a great info, I would be really happy. I want to buy it as soon as possible. and how is it with the Liz?

Thank you Anthony
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Re: Info from the script

Post by PHPBBHS »

The script is only in english. But you can translate the frontend for the end user to your own language there is a language file for that.

On this page is the main requirements for your server
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Re: Info from the script

Post by Anthony »


First I would like to say thank you for your super fast response.So it says that the admin area is the admin control panel in English?
you can also put the admin control panel in German or only in English?
My question now is what does the script cost! I see that my server is working, too. I have the prerequisite.
if I bought it, how can I continue to download things? you write that you have to edit his profile then things can load down in the customer area you can then also download mods and language! If so, then I will buy it as fast as it does. Now the question is what is the script now exactly and how long is my license valid then.

I thank you for your great answer and I will use the script as my salary is there to buy it. if I need help then I will get it here. I find the script super cool because I've always been looking for something.
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Re: Info from the script

Post by PHPBBHS »

The admin area of phpBBHS is english only and can't be translated.

The scirpt price is $89 USD.

If you buy you get access to the download forums. Your license is valid for ever but you only get updates for year after that you can renew to get more updates.
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Re: Info from the script

Post by Anthony »


As a first thank you for your quick response.
So you can not put the admim area in German?
But you can change it to German or the script? if man rewrites the english file would that go then ??

that's a good price 89 Us
I'll buy it then, I'll write to you next week as soon as I buy it I'm looking forward to the script.
I wish you a nice Weekend.

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Re: Info from the script

Post by PHPBBHS »

Yes the admin area of phpBBHS is english and can't be changed.
The user side can all be translated. and phpbb has german translations.
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Re: Info from the script

Post by Anthony »


thanks for this info.I'm looking forward to the script
you wrote that phpbb has german translation? Can you download it from you then or is there a page!
do you have a link for me?
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Re: Info from the script

Post by PHPBBHS »

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Re: Info from the script

Post by Anthony »


i wanted to ask, is your script with the new phpb3.2.3 version or do i have to upload it that the users can use it.
Does your script have its own folder where the phpbb3 version is installed or I have to create a folder myself.

can you tell me what's in your script so your file folder!

It's called Hs (can you tell me a lot of folders it has and)
is also a folder where the phpbb3 version is already installed or I have to upload it myself.

I would like to have a nice answer.
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Re: Info from the script

Post by PHPBBHS »

It is rebundled together you just upload to the root of your domain name then ready to go.
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