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Pre-sales questions for phpBB 3 forum hosting script.
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Joined: 30 Jun 2009, 20:15
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Post by PHPBBHS »

Answers to some common questions:

Q: I didn't get account activation email from website.
A: Check spam folder. If it won't help, pm me on this forum. If email addresses match, I'll manually activate your account.

Q: Why does it require a dedicated IP address?
A: Dedicated IP address is needed for subdomains feature to work. You have an address, you have a domain "". Using dns administration tool from your registrar or web host, you assign a wildcard dns to that IP: "* A", and then all subdomains will be redirected to that IP. Hosting script will detect which subdomain is used and show forum hosted on that subdomain. Unlike other hosting scripts, this script doesn't add any custom urls to forums, like ?mforum=blah, and works only as subdomains, so dedicated IP is a requirement, not an option.

Q: I want to use it on windows server, is it possible?
A: Yes the script works and supports IIS Main thing the scripts requires several directories to be writable by script, and you should be able to set similar permissions on your windows server.